Taking care of your heart health is essential and preventative measures like a coronary angiogram can help you stay on top of it.
At Expert Cardiologist, we offer private coronary angiograms for patients concerned about their heart health. We will ensure that you are fully supported every step of the way so you can put your heart health first.
What Is A Coronary Angiogram?
A coronary angiogram is an X-ray that uses a special contrast dye to check and assess your coronary arteries — the vessels that provide blood to your heart. Using the contrast dye provides more precise imaging of your heart and arteries when X-rayed.
Cardiology experts use the test to diagnose different heart conditions, such as congenital heart disease. This way, they can ensure you receive the right treatment.
When it comes to heart health, preventative measures are always best. A coronary angiogram can help catch any potential heart problems early so treatment can begin as soon as possible.

What Does A Coronary Angiogram Show?
A coronary angiogram can show the narrowing of your coronary arteries and potential blockages that may lead to a heart attack or stroke. Coronary angiograms can diagnose many conditions such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmia and an aneurysm that causes your heart walls to swell.
The dye can also detect atherosclerosis, a condition where fatty substances like cholesterol cause your arteries to become blocked.
Your doctor may advise you to book a coronary angiogram if you are experiencing symptoms of coronary artery disease or other issues with your heart health, such as chest pain or a heart defect that you have had since birth.
How Is A Coronary Angiogram Performed?
Cardiology experts like Dr Georgios Karagiannis perform a coronary angiogram. Before the procedure begins, your medical history will be examined and your vital signs checked. You will then need to empty your bladder, change into a hospital gown and remove any contact lenses, glasses or jewellery.
One of the medical team will ask you to lie down on the examination table and strap you to it to ensure you are secure if the table needs to be tilted for the X-ray. An intravenous (IV) line will be inserted into a vein in your arm to provide you with a mild sedative and other fluids to keep you relaxed throughout. Electrodes are placed on your chest so that your heart rate and oxygen levels can be carefully monitored during the procedure by the cardiologist team.
Next, the catheter must be inserted in your groin or arm. The area will be numbed by a nurse and a small incision made by the cardiologist so the catheter can be threaded to your coronary arteries and heart. This process should not cause you any pain, but always let the medical team know if you experience discomfort.
Once the catheter is in place, the medical team can insert the special contrast dye. You may feel a slight flushing or warming sensation when this happens. As the dye moves through your arteries, the X-ray will show any blockages or areas where the dye flow is restricted.
After collecting the images, the cardiologist will carefully remove the catheter and close the incision site. You will then be taken to a recovery room and monitored before being approved to return home. You must remain in the hospital for a few hours or overnight for observation — it all depends on how you respond to the procedure and if further work is needed.
You may be nervous about the procedure. However, you can rest assured that you will receive the very best support throughout as Dr Karagiannis will be with
Coronary Angiogram Results
After completing the coronary angiogram, the cardiologist who performed it will discuss your results. However, you may need to book another appointment to talk further and make plans for future treatment.
Your cardiologist will create a personalised treatment plan if needed or recommend further testing. They may also give you advice and suggest lifestyle changes to improve or maintain your heart health.
How Much Does A Coronary Angiogram Cost?
At Expert Cardiologist, our initial consultations are priced at £250 with any follow-up appointments costing £200.
During your consultation, we will discuss any health concerns you may have and confirm the cost of a coronary angiogram if we think you would benefit from one.
You can find out more about our fees.
Book Your Coronary Angiogram Today
At Expert Cardiologist, we offer a wide range of heart screenings and diagnostic tests to accurately diagnose and manage your heart conditions.
Once you have received a proper diagnosis, Dr Karagiannis will guide you through a tailored treatment plan that provides expert knowledge, treatment and care so you can look after your heart.
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