Here at Expert Cardiologist, we offer our patients a range of heart tests to help them diagnose, manage, and treat cardiac-related conditions. We are proud to say we are home to the latest cutting-edge technology, which helps us deliver an attentive quality of care to our growing list of patients. This page will discuss the range of different heart tests we offer and go into more detail regarding how they work. We understand the thought of a heart test can be daunting, so allow Expert Cardiologist to put your mind at ease.

Heart Tests We Offer

We provide a multitude of different cardiovascular tests to evaluate the heart’s structure and blood vessels, as well as diagnose, manage and treat any cardiac-related conditions using our state-of-the-art technology. These heart tests include:

  • Electrocardiogram
  • Echocardiogram
  • Coronary angiogram
  • Cardiac MRI
  • 24-hour blood pressure monitor


An electrocardiogram, also known as an ECG, records the heart’s rate, rhythm, and electrical activity. It is often used to detect issues such as heart diseaseangina and arrhythmia. This is a condition that can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath. Much like an echocardiogram, this test is quick to complete.

Hand holding mouse with blur Computed Tomography Angiography Coronay (CTA coronary) background.

Before the test, all clothing and jewellery must be removed from the waist up. For this test, you will be required to lie down on a table or bed. Once you are comfortable, electrodes are attached to your legs, arms and chest. They record the heart’s electrical system to make sure your heartbeat is healthy. This information is transferred to a computer and is displayed as waves on paper or a monitor. There is no radiation involved in this scan, it is not a painful test and does not require sedation.


An echocardiogram, also known as an echo, is a non-invasive test used to look at the structure of the heart and surrounding blood vessels. Although it may sound pretty daunting, it will not cause you any discomfort.

An echocardiogram uses high-frequency sound waves that produce echoes when they bounce off different parts of the body; similar to an ultrasound used in pregnancy. The echoes are then detected by a small probe and transformed into a series of images on a monitor that displays real-time moving images of the heart. The images show cardiologists insightful information regarding how the heart has been affected by issues such as heart attack or other heart conditions.

This test will take around 20-30 minutes. Your doctor will leave you in privacy to remove your clothing, and you will then put on a hospital gown. After – you will lie down, and the test will begin. A gel is often used to help sound waves reach your heart. You may feel a slight cooling sensation from this, but it is nothing to worry about.

This is a useful test used to check:

  • The heart dimensions
  • The heart function (is the heart weak or not? is the heart stiff? Is there fluid around the heart?)
  • The function of the valves
  • Congenital abnormalities of the heart (problems which you were born with)
  • The anatomy of the aorta (the large artery that receives blood from the heart)

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Coronary Angiogram

A coronary angiogram is an advanced scan typically used to diagnose conditions such as:

  • A stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Tumour
  • Clots

The scan helps doctors directly visualise the inside of the heart’s arteries. The results from the test highlight the exact location of arteries that have a build-up of materials like fat or cholesterol. This is called Atheroma. With the results, doctors can work quickly to treat atheroma before it ruptures and causes a severe issue like a heart attack.

This is an invasive procedure during which contrast (dye) is injected inside the arteries of the heart to check for partially or totally blocked arteries. If there is a blocked artery the doctor doing the procedure will inform you and if possible proceed to open the artery with a stent.

This test can last for around half an hour. You will be given a local anaesthetic to ease discomfort before a catheter is passed into an artery. This procedure has some risks, which you should discuss with your doctor beforehand. This test involves the use of contrast (dye), so people with allergies to contrast should inform their doctor before having the test.

This is a useful test used to check:

  • Whether the chest pain is of cardiac nature (angina)
  • To improve the blood supply to the heart (if a stent is applied)
  • To check the arteries before a patient undergoes another heart operation (valve operation)

Cardiac MRI

Medical Resonance Imaging (MRI) captures detailed images of the inside of your body. It is one of the many heart tests we offer here at Expert Cardiologist. It is used to diagnose various heart conditions such as coronary heart disease and inherited conditions like cardiac tumours.

Although it sounds scary, an MRI uses magnets and radio waves to capture these images. No surgical incisions are required, and it is entirely safe. During the test, you will be asked to lie on a bench, which will slowly travel through a machine. You can communicate with your healthcare professional through a microphone. The test is painless and can take between 30 and 90 minutes to complete.

A cardiac MRI is used to check:

  • The heart dimensions accurately
  • The heart function accurately (is the heart weak or not? Is there fluid around the heart?)
  • The function of the valves
  • Congenital abnormalities of the heart (problems you were born with)
  • The anatomy of the aorta (the large artery that receives blood from the heart)
sophisticated of MRI Scanner medical equipments in hospital

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor

This is a recorder that records the blood pressure over a period of 24 hours. The measurements are usually taken every 30 minutes and are stored on a tape. A blood pressure monitor is a standard piece of equipment used to check if a patient’s blood pressure is healthy. If your blood pressure is low, you may experience symptoms like dizziness. If your blood pressure is too high, this is usually more of a cause for concern. High blood pressure can increase your risk of severe health conditions like a heart attack or stroke. Luckily, there are plenty of treatment options to help get this under control.

There are various blood pressure machines. However, a 24-hour blood pressure monitor involves wearing a cuff that is applied to your arm and a tape secured to a belt for 24 hours. After the monitor is fitted, you will be able to continue with your daily life as usual, while this is intermittently recording your blood pressure. You will not be able to shower while having the monitor on.

The BP monitor is a helpful test used to check:

  • Whether you have elevated BP (hypertension) and require treatment
  • Whether the treatment is effective
  • Whether you suffer from “white coat” hypertension

What To Expect During A Heart Test

We understand that many of our patients feel nervous before a heart test or heart check-up. The important thing to remember is that these feelings are normal, and you are not alone. At Expert Cardiologist, you can seek comfort that you are in good hands.

Before your test takes place, your healthcare professional will explain your test in detail and how it works. They will be there to guide you through each step of the process. You may benefit from taking a relative or friend with you during and after the test. They can offer support, and most patients find this very comforting. Communicate this to your healthcare professional, who will happily accommodate your requests. If you are diagnosed with a health condition after your test, we can help by working to treat it. You will start to receive the attentive treatment you deserve to help you manage your condition.

Book A Heart Test

You can book a heart test today here at Expert Cardiologist. We pride ourselves on the high quality of care that we provide to our clients. Our experienced professionals, like Dr Karagiannis, have years of experience in general and acute cardiology. So, our patients can seek the peace of mind that they are given the best expert guidance possible to help them manage their conditions.

If you would like to know more about how Expert Cardiologist can help you, don’t hesitate to book a cardiology appointment today via our website. Seek expert help without delay.


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